Hi! I am Bonnie!
I like skateboarding, tricks, speed!
And when I'm not on my skate, I put on my roller blades :)
I like to go fast ...!
I take Hip-Hop lessons, and I live in Georgiville surrounded by my friends, Zoe, Max & others pals
I love the sun, skateparks, parties, family, the sensations when I hit the asphalt and feel the wind in my hair ...
They call me rollin'girl because I always have wheels under my feet !!
My girlfriends and I!
On our way to ride
My skate: my favorite thing on earth
My friends, my life!
Kiddoz Squad!
I love Prince. We have the same cut!
Like my idol
Eyes: brown
Hair: Black
Totem animal: The Tiger
Favorite color: Bright yellow
Character: Supergenerous , supercompetitive, superactive, supernice ...
Preferred group: The Beastie Boys
Fetish object: Her very first red and white skate
Art: Hip-Hop dance
Style: Cool, fresh, relax